For a better World, feed your Mind with our End to End POSH Certified Course which is available for every individual serving in any organization or for any purpose. Involve with us to understand legal provisions, procedures, timelines and penalties against the act of the topic.
What is POSH and what it covers?
The term POSH stands for prevention of sexual harassment policy at workplace act of India which was made in 2013 with an aim that every organization weather big or small must maintain and define their sexual harassment policies its prevention procedures and service rules for its employees. This act covers the procedure for the safety and securing the working environment for every employee working in an organization is respective of their gender.
What does one gain from learning this course?
The course shall help the employees or people to identify between good and bad behavior and the conduct of other person. The course shall give confidence and knowledge to every human being with respect to legal aspects involved behind such acts.
Our course includes:
Our course includes real world process starting from understanding one's behavior, taking stand filing complain assistance, process of conciliation and redressal as well as importance of confidentiality.
The course will focus also on the IC formation with their Constitution, term, role, requirement, power etc.
Will practical challenges help to fight against it?
Our course buddy will focus on how to deal with practical challenges in day-to-day life and how to deal with different situations occurring in one’s life. The learners must know about the natural justice and how true come up in the redressal mechanism. Other than this our course will also make the learner understand the role as a facilitator is possibilities along with how to come up with enquiry report.
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